Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March blog 10

Rump is twelve years old, but he stopped growing when he was eight. And even then he was small. In a land where your name controls your destiny, he is the butt of everyone's jokes. When he was born, his mother only got out the first part of his name before her death. He knows there is more to him than he knows so far. Living on The Mountain, he is forced to mine for gold, his results determining his rations. One day, he finds his mother's old spinning wheel. When all the wool in the house has been stolen by mischevious pixies, he starts spinning straw. For some odd reason, it comes out as gold. When he has almost starved, he trades gold to the fat greedy miller. But as his friend Red has warned, the side affects of magic can be dangerous. He is unable to negotiate prices. When the gold reaches King B.A.R.F.(Bartholemew Archibald Reginald Fife), the miller claims his beautiful daughter Opal spun it. When she is taken away, Rump knows he has to help her. But the magic requires a price for each use. On the third night, Opal promises her firstborn child as a joke. Rump knows that when he learns she has given birth, he will have to go to collect the price he didn't wan't, and that Opal wasn't willing to pay. He must learn how to escape the price. But how?

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